Twin Star Music Group


(possibly Shadowbahn)

Very little is known about this Kosmische Kollective other than the four members are all transplants to the San Diego area. A shared love of Krautrock (a term generated by lazy Brit journalists, it was initially detested by the musicians. The fact that the various groups existed basically unbeknownst to each other throughout Germany meant it was less of a scene and more of an ignorant co-existence.) 

Driven by a rock solid rhythm section, the twin guitars weave in and out of each other through wah wahs, distortion and chorus pedals. Sporadic synths and the occasional vocals appear on some tracks. As with other practitioners of the Kosmische Musik (“cosmic music”) genre, Shadowbahn aren’t beholden to one style or sound.

Deemed “a really stupid idea by the Bass player” to name all of the compositions after kitchen appliances, it was too late to stop the process for the first single dubbed “Can Opener” which was released in March 2024.  

Electric Blanket will be releasing more singles and a full length album in the second half of 2024.