Twin Star Music Group

Blue Blue Blue

Blue Blue Blue formed in 1984 on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Originally a trio, the band expanded to a quartet at various junctures throughout the 80s. Sifting through various influences (The Cure, Bauhaus, New Order and more) the group quickly developed its own sound and was soon playing venues all over New York with various forays into Boston, R.I. CT and even New Jersey.

While being courted by a couple of major labels, the band wasted no time self-releasing their own cassettes captured from off of the board mixes at CBGB, contributed a track to an indie sampler of LES fellow travelers, as well as recording an EP at famed Waterfront Studios in Hoboken. Their one indie label release, Reclusallucination came out on CD only and due to a poorly funded label in New Orleans, died at birth.

Electric Blanket will be releasing a revamped version of the album in the second half of 2024 and is looking at a limited edition vinyl release which will include demos from the unfinished second album.